UK Study Tours Student Tours Customer Service Email


Day Trips, Weekend Tours, Sporting Events, Theatre Nights, Festivals

Frequently Asked Questions

What you should know before travelling with UK Study Tours?

We have collected the most frequent questions before visitors book and travel with UK Study Tours, before you approach us with your enquiry, you question might be already answered.

Do I need to be a student to join UK Study Tours?

You don't need to be a student to travel with UK Study Tours, everyone is welcomed on our tours. And all individuals can book any tour online. However average age of travellers is 18-29 and all our customers including individual travellers need to respect tour guide, tour driver and all the other travellers. UK Study Tours does not tolerate to any rude or aggressive behavior and you may be asked to leave the tour is you are behaving this way.

Do I need a visa to travel to Europe?

See our visa page here

I’m 16 or 17 years of age studying on an adult course and I’m going to travel on my own, am I required to complete a permission form?

If you haven’t got an email or letter from parents/guardian or school with permission and not sure what you need, please download and complete the form and email it back to us at

Where can I find departure time and pick up location?

Departure time with the pick up point is shown at first step of booking process, also both are listed on your ticket.

Which hotel will we stay at? What kind of accommodation is used?

On most tours we are using 3 star hotel accommodation with a shared bathroom in each room. As a standard booking you may be in a triple room sharing with people of the same gender. Breakfast is provided in the mornings after sleeping. Hotel upgrades to a twin/double room or single room are available at an extra cost during the booking process. We use various hotels for example hotel brands such as Ibis, Novotel, Britannia Hotels but will only know which hotel is used close to the departure date as it will depend on the sales and circumstances.

What kind of luggage can I bring? I want to bring a large bag of luggage, is there anywhere to store this?

For a day tour a small bag that will fit on the coach shelf inside with your essential items is all that’s required. If you wish to bring a large bag you may, and use storage lockers on the coach. If you are on a weekend tour and wish to bring a large bag you can use coach storage lockers and it will be kept safe during the tour and your free time. You will have access to it when we arrive at the hotel. A small bag should be used to carry around essential items during the day.

What should I bring for the duration of the tour?

Essentials to take include: tour ticket, passport, identification, money, bank card, phone, camera and suitable clothing.

What is usually included in a tour?

In general, all our tours are inclusive of travel, services of a tour guide. For weekend tours hotel accommodation with breakfast is included. To find out what else is included please read tour itinerary.

What meals are included?

On weekend tours breakfast at the hotel where the group is staying is included.

How much money should I plan for per day?

Enough to cover lunch, dinner and any tour optional extras, city attractions or shopping you wish to do while you are on a tour. It is also a good idea to have a bank card to cover any emergencies which may happen.

I don’t wish to return from the destination and stay there longer, is this possible?

Yes, if you are 18 years old or over you can stay, but you must inform the tour guide so they are not waiting for you at the return departure. You will need to arrange and pay for your own travel from there.

What should I do if I get lost during a tour?

We recommend you keep the provided map with you always, as well as the contact details of your tour guide, and call him immediately if needed.

What if I have special needs or requirements?

Please let UK Study Tour know in advance of any special needs or requirements. Only if we know in advance we can try to arrange for example special accommodation, special diet and such.

Still can't find the right answer?

Not a problem, you can still approach us by email at: or call us at our customer service line: +44(0)1273 72 55 77 to speak with one of our Tour Operator Managers. Usually we answer all email enquiries within 48hours, if you need to talk to us urgently, please call us directly. Our customer service line is opened from Monday - Friday, from 10:00 to 18:00.